Friday, June 19, 2009

When 'Alvin' is just so common..

This is Austin, where I stayed 8 months long at the nearby apartment.

I took this photo during sunset on the road, surprisingly mesmerizing & memorable... @.@

Austin is a place full of squirrels!! No jokes okie, really the heaven for squirrels and chipmunks like 'Alvin' :)

When I first came, I din't know about this. And everytime I see a squirrel or chipmunk, I would shout "Alvin! Alvin!!", so very excited and happy; for as squirrels are not common back home, where you can only see them in zoo...

Squirrels are too common in Austin, they are everywhere: running around in the park; beside the roads; climbing the trees; resting somewhere; eating the nuts on the bars etc.

And I tell you, they are really cute...

Hi Alvin!!!! hey!!!! come here!!..

Alvin trying to search for food, and running around the park...

Can you spot Alvin on the tree? hehe..

Hmmm... What kinda position is that?!

Run Alvin!!! Runn.... They are just everywhere...!!

Come down Alvin!!! hello helloooo~~~

Alvin still hiding up on the tree....
*Sniff* *Sniff* got nuts somewhere??!

Let me find find.....I can smell it~~~~

Heh.... why are you looking at me?!!
What do you want from me??

They are just so so adorable!!!! Cute little creautres!!!
They play by themselves; running around, jumping up and down, finding their own food, enjoying their own their own world....

Mphh... anything to eat here...? hungry...

Hah, Alvin dangling on the branch outside the apartment's balcony, enjoying the summer evening warm sun, doing his own spa.. he looks so relaxing..

Squirrels and chipmunks, they are so appealing, very sweet and with really cool characters, that make me adores them alot :)

They too, help me reflects back on my own life now and then, and to always remind me, to work hard for my survival, at the same time, enjoy life as it is the coolest thing on earth!

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