Thursday, December 21, 2017



Sometimes, thing aren't that easy to explain or even to just articulate it properly
Sometimes, things seem so easy, yet so complicate
Sometimes, things come to a point that you don't even know where to start
Sometimes, things just ended, just like that
Sometimes, I just preferred it silent


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Some Recaps on Jared's Study @ School

Life's been super pounding and mind drilling... and I have paused the blog again for few months!
Life goes on, change or no change?

Just some recap on Jared's work at class. He presented about Otters with his partner to students of other classes and other grades' teachers.

That gem is the reason of my life!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

2nd Semester for School Starts

One whole month of School Summer Holiday has just ended this Monday, and Jared goes back to school for the 2nd half year of Grade 1, with addition of 6 new pupils from over the globe!
And the 1st paper assignment from Jared:

                                         Pretty impressive after staling for a month!

And Pulau Rawa, a beautiful staycation it is!
Be back again next time, for the most amazing quaint beach and natural refine sand!!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Time to Ponder-What I Want in Life?

Everyone has only one life, ONE.
It's time to really ponder, what I really wanted in life...

Jon Jandai, Thank you for putting out such an enlightenment in a simple way made understood by everyone!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Recap of Happy Mothers' Day

Jared made this Happy Mothers' Day card for me :)

He's always the sweetest boy ever and always know what I wanna hear..
So he repeatedly told me that Mummy, you are the BEST MOM in  the whole wide world!!
And Mummy, you do EVERYTHING the Best for me! I love you super duper lots!!

And how I love to hear that! :)
BB, I love you super duper lotssss, too!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Let's go to the Zoo...

Good Friday, is holiday to both of us working in Singapore and Jared's School.

Jared wants to go to the zoo!
He says he has forgotten about the zoo because previous trips were long, long time back then and he's still little that time.
Alright, let's go to the zoo! Again.

It's a bright sunny day when we arrived at Singapore Zoo, early in the morning.
We laughed at daddy because he says it's a thunderstorm day by the weather forecast.

                                                                  Can you spot me?

Apparently, it's a HUGE crowd at the zoo. Yah, it's public holiday alright.
Look below! It is so hot that she comes out lying on the floor for a good sun bath!!

Camouflage Sun Bathing

Jared gets very excited when he sees this Trampoline Jump and he keeps requesting to try on.
Okay, he has not try this kinda activity before. 10 bucks for 10 mins of jumping, here he goes for the 1st time!
He enjoys the jumping tremendously!
And he says he wants more next time :)

It's just minutes after Jared's jumping, loud thunder strikes from no way and here comes the rain!!
Oh No!! Daddy's weather forecast is accurate after all!
Rain downpour like nobody's business and luckily we bring our raincoats from Tokyo Disneyland.

Watching White Tiger in the rain...

Didn't take alot of photos though... enjoying the view and animals more..

A Happy Day at the Zoo

Thursday, April 20, 2017


2017 年的今天, 听了还会鸡皮疙瘩;
2017 年的今天, 听了还会头皮发麻;
2017 年的今天, 听了还是那么动人;
2017 年的今天, 听了还是那么催泪;

周蕙 - 約定

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Jared's Favorite Story Book

Favorite Book Day for Jared.

The class would need to pick their Favorite Story Books to school and share the story to all.
Well, Jared loves the Lego Ninjago Story book, but that's a higher level book full of words inside that he has yet to master the reading of it.
So he went back to choose another 2nd favorite, and he picked the 'Calm-Down Time' book.
He likes the book as it is easy to understand with interesting pictures aligning to the story-lines.
The story provides various methods on how to manage and handle different emotions and feelings.

Post reading sharing of the story and writing of the best part of the book shows that Jared can decipher the inside of the story very well. Nice one!

Monday, April 10, 2017


那天, 我买了些巧克力和糖果,还有水果。儿子帮我从车里拿进家里。
: Baby, 这些是要拜公公的,不是你的,ok?
BB: 哦。。几时去拜公公嘞?
BB: Daddy, 为什么公公会死嘞? 公公怎样死的?
Daddy: 公公生病死的,心脏病。。
BB: 为什么生病会死嘞, 他没有乖乖吃药啊?
BB: 公公死了过后变成Angel 是吗?
BB: 妈咪。。我不要婆婆也生病死掉变成Angel,可以吗?
BB 好像隐约知道我不会答,拿了Ipad走开了。

生与死这个话题,对于一个六岁大的孩子, 未免太沉重, 太深奥了呢?我应该要如何婉转一点去谈这个话题,又要可以让他明白当中的意思呐?



Thursday, March 30, 2017

Creativity forgotten at adult age

I love this piece of essay drawn and written from scratch by Jared.
Sometimes you just can't be amazed by what the kiddos are thinking back of their minds!
Jared can draw this creature that he imagined with Lion head, elephant nose, fish tail, bird wings and dog legs!! What a combination is that!!

Or is this inborn or you call it 'Instinctive'?
That as we grow older, more and more pieces of our creativity memory crystal balls will gradually turn into grey then black and then be swept into the big deep dumpster and crushed, like in the Movie 'Inside Out'.

Hopefully his creativity mind can accompany his growing up as long as he needs it.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Art from a 6-year-old

Jared's Grade 1 Art- Buildings.
He really has the hands of Art, I love the picture he draws.

Jared told me he really made the full effort on the coloring to make sure there isn't any white holes in it, and it took him so much time and made his hands so tired!
But it is worthwhile for a good picture like this, from a 6-year-old boy.

And the beautiful lady inside there, Jared's Grade One Teacher, Ms Crawford :)

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Horse Riding Experience

That Sunday we skipped swimming lesson and brought Jared for Horse Riding at Sedenak.
It was a fabulous experience for all 3 of us, and Jared enjoyed it very much!

He still remembers Black Jack, the 1st pony he rode 2 years back; and now he rides a horse :)

That's the smallest size helmet, just right for him.

The coach brought them around the training yard, enjoying the evening sun.

Happy and Lazy Sunday from us at Riders' Lodge!


Oh yes, the Japanese version by Aki... best of the best!

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Awwww.....all time classic, all time favourite.
The rhythm, the lyrics, always touches the heart deep down..
Addicted still , even at Year 2017!  

Every Shalala......

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

MOTTO for My Year 2017

Yes, this is my 2017 Motto:
And I appreciate every moment of my life.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

继续 - 给15岁的自己

A song that touched my soul, my heart;
A song that flashes back thousands of memories;
A song that tells millions words;
A song that I love.


继续 - 给15岁的自己

知道吗 我总是惦记 十五岁不快乐的你
我多想 把哭泣的你 搂进我怀里
不确定 自己的形状 动不动就和世界碰撞
那些伤 我终于为你 都一一抚平

那一年最难的习题 也不过短短的几行笔记
现在我却总爱回忆 回忆当时不服输的你

天空 会不会雨停 会不会放晴
会不会是我忘记 还能勇敢地去淋雨
我们继续走下去 继续往前进
感觉累了的时候 抱着我们的真心
静静 好好地休息

这些年 我还算可以 至少都对得起自己
谢谢你 是你的单纯 给了我指引
遇见过 很多很多人 完成了一些些事情
你一定 还无法想像 多精彩过瘾

谁说人生是公平的 它才不管我们想要怎样
很感激 你那麽倔强 我才能变成今天这样

我们继续走下去 继续往前进

我们想去的地方 一定也有人很想去
我们都不要放弃 都别说灰心
感觉累了的时候 请你把我的手握紧

没有地图 人生只能凭着手上的梦想 Oh~
循着它的光 曲折转弯找到有光的地方
Lalala Lalala Lalala 那年的梦想
Lalala Lalala Lalala 人要有梦想
勇敢的梦想 疯狂的梦想

继续走下去 继续往前进
路旁有花 心中有歌 天上有星
我们要去的那里 一定有最美丽的风景
Oh~ 都不要放弃 都别说灰心
痛到想哭的时候 就让泪水洗掉委屈
我们要相信自己 永远都相信
我们做过的事情 都会留在人心里

有一天 我将会老去 希望你会觉得满意
我没有 对不起那个 十五岁的自己

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

A New Year 2017: Paused to flash back

Yes, 4 years since I have abandoned my blog.
Too Busy.
Too Lazy.

4 years seemed such a long time, yet time flies, and it's over mostly unknowingly.
From early 30s to now, mid 30s.
Gosh, that's harsh to swallow, I am aging!

Something to remember in 2013:
Jared is 2, in PG1
We traveled to Timisoara, Romania.
First time to Europe. And it's COLD~~~~~
First time bringing little Jared flying half the globe, me with anxiety and worried to the max as he is still a baby, yet excited with new experiences at all times.
Jared is so fascinated with the quaint buses and longstanding trains that we have to buy the tickets and go round the city again and again and he still gets amazed by it.
He loves the pigeon crowds too, and chases them laughing aloud.
Still remembered the rum chocolate that I bought, didn't realized that it was so delicious, I should have bought the whole box!

Something to remember in 2014:
Jared is 3, in PG2
We traveled to Atsugi, Yokohama, Japan. Our first time to Japan.
Late Cherry Blossom season and raining practically everyday.
Naughty Jared fell down from the lobby bench and marked his first scar below the lips.
For the 1st time, we fell in love with Japan toilet tops and Japan coffee.

Something to remember in 2015:
Jared is 4, in KN
To Perth, Australia, there we go-Free and Easy.
Handmade a week's itinerary: Driving throughout Perth City, Margaret River, Swan Valley, enjoying Farms, Vineyards, Postcard scenery paired with elegant chocolates, nougats, macadamias, toys etc.
Jared in his Christmas Batman Costume, one of the most stunning Christmas Holidays for 3 of us!

Something to remember in 2016:
Jared is 5, in K1
To Japan again. This time, Tokyo Metro & Tokyo Disneyland & DisneySea.
Made a full 2 weeks itinerary proved worthwhile.
One of our most happening and most memorable family time.
Can't go a day without Japan coffee. And Japan cup noodles marked our 2nd Japan favourite.
Ramen, Seafood, Japan curry rice, tit bits, canned food- Wow!
Not forgetting the best we love in Japan- Toilet tops full of buttons and warmed up seat when you sit on it. Superb!

And not so beautiful moments when Mum felt a lump on the breast and went for surgery; worse off, MIL is diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
Stage 4.

2017-A Fresh Start, A New Hope.
Jared turns 6!! He is officially a kid! I miss my baby...
And he starts Grade One in Ontario IB Syllabus International School.
Am so glad he adapts to the environment very well and enjoys school time very much.

Stay Tune, will write up when time allows.