Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Want to file a complaint? Goto NCCC.

That day I 'makan ular' in the office.. reading the newspaper online..

I was reading 'The Star', and I came across this news on Malaysia new website to compare the price for supermarkets and hypermarkets... Also the news provide another government website consolidation on consumer rights where we can submit any complaints if we are being bully on any situation..

Then suddenly something occurs on my mind.... why not?
I can try to lodge a complaint....Telekom still owes me a refund of RM123 but they are so damn good in playing 'TaiChi' and 'Hide&Seek' that we are already at no way to contact them regarding this issue.. !!!

Summary of my story is that Telekom needs to refund me Rm123 by cheque but I did not receive any forms of cheque. However Telekom says they already send me the cheque and the money already got transferred.

I wanna ask them to give me the information on the bank transferred as I checked all my account history, I am 101% sure I did not get the money.

They told me the finance department handles the issue, not their responsibility and gave me 2 phone numbers to call WHICH NOBODY ANSWER THE PHONE! No matter when I call, nobody answer the call!!! That makes me really angry!

They are just trying to throw the ball around and for God sake; where is my money?!
*Maybe already transferred to renovate Istana??!*

So here I am ... in this NCCC (Pusat Khidmat Aduan Pengguna Nasional) website -->

NCCC is an organization supposed to take care of consumers and to protect our consumer rights...

I opened a 'Borang Aduan', typed all my information and the whole situation I faced with Telekom. I also complainted on their lousy attitude and service, throwing back their responsibility when they should be responsible to what happened. The most important part is, I still want my money back!!!

So that night I successfully submitted the aduan to NCCC. I don't know how effective is that but no harm trying...

Guess What....Out of the blue, to my absolute surprise, the very next day after lunch, got a phonecall from Telekom!!!!

For so many weeks I tried to contact the damn Telekom, nobody 'hirau' me, an e-borang aduan submitted within few hours, Telekom called back to take concern on my refund issue!!!!!!!

Waahahahahahah..... hohooohoo....heheeheheeee.....

Telekom kena warning by NCCC and being requested to take care of this refund issue seriously!!!


Telekom officer said she will check this refund issue and if there is any discrepancy, she will refund back my money !!! Wooooowww..... that's a very rare service you can hear from Telekom...

I will update again if I am able to get back my hard-earned money! =)

So, this NCCC organization is serious about their job!! Seriously no joke!

Oh-huh......Bad news to all un-ethical businesses out there... BEWARE when you try to cheat people's money!! Consumers nowadays have NCCC protected =)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Trip to Port Weld, Kuala Sepetang

Long time ago when I was still studying... that is when I get to know about a very popular historic place in Malaysia --> PORT WELD which is also the first KTM (Keretapi Tanah Melayu) in Malaysia..

Then this place remains in the history book untouched.. and I have never been to Port Weld..

So that 1 Day Taiping trip, we went to the historical place from 1885, Port Weld.

Port Weld is already more than 120 years of history...

This is the street of Port Weld, few rows of old chinese shops mostly groceries and kopitiam, not many people around and looking quite quiet....looks like all the young people have moved out to big cities, leaving the old folks behind.. pretty typical in Malaysia...

Port Weld is also well known for its seafood products i.e. fish balls. There are many small medium factories producing fish products in this area.

There are still shops selling all the traditional 'jala' and fishing equipments..

They are drying the fish under the afternoon sun to make the delicious 'ikan masin'.

We arrived at a small hawker center in the central of Port Weld... quite crowded with local families and old folks..
Looks like we can find some delicacies here...

We saw this auntie frying the prawn crackers and many people are waiting to be served on the freshly fried we added into the queue..

The prawn cracker is big! And it looks scrumptous...

The auntie is really generous in putting the fresh wonder is smells so nice and attracts so many people.. we tried the crackers and seriously, it is very crunchy and simply finger licking good! The prawns are very fresh and the meat tender... good one!

We are also here becoz our research finding says that Port Weld has a moving tricycle selling chinese 'Pao', super delicious! Start in the afternoon and usually sold out within 1 hour!!

So we waited for the time.....

And Tah Da!!! Here he comes... this is the said most popular Chinese "Pao"!!!

He stopped on the roadside on the way to the hawker center becoz there are a few buyers waiting there for the newly made hot Chinese 'Pao'..

So many varieties..... which to choose?!

hmmmmm.......still so hot when he opened to show us the legendary 'Pao'... can't wait to get a bite of it!

We bought the 'Cha Sao Pao' and 'Da Pao' =)

Woww!!! Look at the big 'Pao'!!

There are alot of ingredients inside, almost overflowed when I open the 'Pao'.. The outerskin is very soft and tasty, inside is very juicy and meaty and mixed well with the egg slice inside.
Simply delightful!!!

Satisfied........ =)

So... I have toured around Port Weld...

Just one thing that really dissappointed me on Port Weld is that... the place is very dirty, we can see rubbish everywhere.... really astonishingly unhygienic!

We couldn't believe how dirty is this place where rubish flying away everywhere together with the flies......and we can smell all different kinds of odours...some so strong that you feel like vomiting...

The people in Port Weld should really pay more attention to their hygiene and to clean out all the rubbish...before any outbreak happens!!!

Won't it be a better neighbourhood where you have a clean street and fresh air instead of all the eye-sored rubbish view no matter what angle you are looking at?

Friday, May 22, 2009

The most memorable White Winter Christmas..Part 1

A true White Winter Christmas is what we don't get in Malaysia, never... we don't have four seasons, wedon't have winter, we don't have snow...

Watching too much TV growing up... I always dreamt of having a White Christmas....

The opportunity comes when I know I will be in US for the whole year end holiday seasons.. =)

Christmas in Austin is the first ever White Christmas I have, experiencing one of the most traditional winter Christmas under cool 20F chilly temperature...

There is a Christmas Stroll at San Marcos with a little Bethelem...

That's the camel resembles the entry to Bethelem....

My first time feeding the camel some dry hay... she is just so beautiful and peaceful... and she eats the hay I give her =)

Hey... is a baby donkey.. she looks so adorable!

It feels so warm just stroking them and feeding them...and they loves attention!!

The angels when Jesus was born....

The goats and sheeps around when Jesus was born....

My first experience making my own candle for Christmas under the freezing winter night..

There is this school carol, the high school gals sing carol songs to the crowd.."Silent night... Holy night...." They have sweet good voices that touches everyone's heart...and bring peace on this historic day..

The feel of that special night in Bethelem...waiting for Jesus arrival...

Looking back into many decades back thru time, and see Jesus is born in Bethelem.... the night full of angels and shooting stars...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Product start up keep on work also delay and delay......
hmmmm..... very sleepyyyy lah...ZZZzzzzz...

Mphh..Why not I rest awhile with Alvin... heheeheee.. =)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Miss Winter season and snow...

Few months already suffering from Malaysia super duper hot sun and very humid weather..... big sun in the afternoon and heavy rain in the evening... I hate it....

Makes me really miss the winter in Austin so so much where the temperature is always in the range of 30F-50F......And there is this one night, when the temperature drops significantly and starts snowing...

Waooo...1st time I see snow!!!... chilling breezy wet winter night....

Touching the snow.... so icy cold..!!

My car covered with snow! And that's my scribble on my car.. heheehe...

Wooaa....the snow is getting is accumulating thicker and thicker...

hmmm...I would need to scrub off the snow tomorrow morning if I wanna drive to work..... -____-

But I like winter... I like the cold weather and wrap myself inside the cozy blanket for a good night sleep....

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mee Banjir Udang, Kuala Sepetang

That was a long weekend, and we decided to go somewhere that we havent been to, around this northern part..

We haven't been traveling much after we come back..

Then we decided to plan for a Taiping 1 Day trip, so we did some Google searching and some schedule planning..

We were introduced to this specialty in Kuala Sepetang, somehwere near Taiping --> Mee Banjir Udang.

And they say, Mak Teh Mee Banjir Udang is the BEST!!! Must try!!!!!!

And so, we are here.....

Ta Dahh!!!! This is Warong Mak Teh! The ever popular Mee Banjir Udang... let's see if it is really that good....

Ohhh..... there are so so many cars on both of the roadside and looks like is getting more and more coming... ooohh.. look athe people inside, packed!!!!

Ahemmmm... so it must be good...if not... there won't be so expectation getting higher....

Can't wait.......!!

Warong Mak Teh is quite a big outdoor space, like mamak stall , and got a small indoor area. So we can choose whether want to sit outside or indoor..

90% of the tables and chairs are occupied, wow...and is only around 115pm..

Really good business huhh...

Look at the Menu on the wall... so many types of Mee Udang.. but heard that the soup type is the best... so we ordered the big bowl of Mee Banjir Udang, priced RM10... not cheap for a ulu place lerrr...

I am expecting a top notch quality for a RM10 of Mee Udang okay...!!

Although the place is really fully packed with all hungry people waiting for the scrumptous prawn meal... their service is satisfyingly speedy...

We waited for only like 10 mins before our big bowl of Mee Banjir Udang is served in front of us, red hot and spicy.... looking absolutely mouth watering!!

WOW!! This is really a BIG BOWL.. is Malaysia local XL size..and really overloaded of big fresh prawns and yellow mee under the prawns!!!!

And smells very wangi laaa....Spicy yet with the sweetness of the fresh prawns... =)

1..2..3..4..5.. as I counted how many prawns there are in the big bowl...

Woahhhh.... total of 8 big fresh red prawns!!!

I quickly took a sip of the sup... yummmmmmmmmmyyy... not only just wangi... is also spicy, is hot and it has all the fresh prawn sweetness blended nicely together.. great sup!

Oh yes.... Mak Teh Mee Banjir Udang is really GOOD STUFF... no tipu helah here....

See this very tall thingy here?
This is 'Menara 102', just beside Warong Mak Teh, so this place is also well known as Menara 102 Mee Banjir Udang...

If you are a first timer to this place, and you see this menara.... Congratulations!!! You have just arrived to the destination of the best Mee Banjir Udang laaaah!!!

A charmingly beautiful breezy blue sky... unexpectedly mesmerizing..

We gobble up the whole bowl, leaving the big prawn heads, still wanting more!! This is really delicious, a truly Kuala Sepetang's local Malay delicacy..

No wonder it is attracting sucha unbelievable huge crowd to this small ulu district everyday, even doubling during weekends and public holidays..

Gotta try & Thumbs up! =)

Friday, May 15, 2009

甜蜜蜜 vs 油腻腻

甜蜜蜜 vs 油腻腻





Tuesday, May 12, 2009

XiaoHei the stray cat..

The place I stay... has many stray cats...wondering around along the roads, sleeping at people's house backyards...then they will breed many kittens, moving around in the neighbourhood, searching for any households that will feed them on the leftovers and allow them to have shelter at their backyards or front porch..

2 years ago, there is this mother cat that gave birth to 2 kittens nearby my house. The kittens were so so cute! They kept comming to our house and play in front of the porch, rest and sleep there.. and sometimes we allow them to come into the house and play with them..even gave them some milk..

Hehehe....see this little black kitten so comfortable sitting on the lap..another grey kitten playing by himself...
that time, they are just few months old..

Then, last year we went to US..

Early this year, when we come back to the same old place...we saw one teenage black cat waiting in front of our house, looks like he is not afraid of us although we tried to chase him away...... he always come to us and purred, trying to ask for food also..

"Mmiaooo....miaooooooooo...." he always like to make noise when he is hungry..he will miaoooo until he gets your attention..

He looks so familiar that I suddenly remembered the little kittens we played with before going to US.... It must be him!!

The black kitten still remembers us after one year we are not around... =)

*touch* *touch*

How about the grey kitten? Where is him...?! Then we heard that the grey kitten is following the neighbourhood security, become his pet a.k.a security cat.

'XiaoHei' likes to eat bones.... believe it...... cats don't necessary just eat fish ok.. that's just said in the books, doesn't mean is true....

Don't believe that cats eat bones?? I have proof! See below?

Usually he just takes like 12mins to finish the whole bone..

He likes to fight with other stray cats, especially when they try to snatch his bone...he will stare and growl at the cat until he goes away...and he will quick quick gooble up his bone to prevent another cat comes trying to steal his bone...

Sometimes he likes to drink water also.... he can drink alot of water, non stop, until he is perfectly satisfied...

He likes to sleep.. always yawning... even after he has his meal.. then he will start yawning....


"XiaoHei" has a lot of patterns one...when he has mood, he will do alot of 'actions', like a professional actor...

"XiaoHei": 'Ahemmm.. what do you want??'

"XiaoHei": 'yuummm...full liao ... rest awhile..'

"XiaoHei": 'roll to this side..itchy nyerrr...'

"XiaoHei": 'roll here now..scratch my back....itchy oso...'

"XiaoHei": 'hehehee... here oso got itchy laaa....clean first aaa..'

Pretend to be dead acting good or not?

"XiaoHei": 'Aiyahh... dirty liao... clean clean first...'

Every evening when we reach home... he will be running to us out from nowhere, keep miaooo-ing enthusiastically...

"XiaoHei": 'My dinner lerrrrr???!!!! Miaooooooo.....'