Tuesday, May 12, 2009

XiaoHei the stray cat..

The place I stay... has many stray cats...wondering around along the roads, sleeping at people's house backyards...then they will breed many kittens, moving around in the neighbourhood, searching for any households that will feed them on the leftovers and allow them to have shelter at their backyards or front porch..

2 years ago, there is this mother cat that gave birth to 2 kittens nearby my house. The kittens were so so cute! They kept comming to our house and play in front of the porch, rest and sleep there.. and sometimes we allow them to come into the house and play with them..even gave them some milk..

Hehehe....see this little black kitten so comfortable sitting on the lap..another grey kitten playing by himself...
that time, they are just few months old..

Then, last year we went to US..

Early this year, when we come back to the same old place...we saw one teenage black cat waiting in front of our house, looks like he is not afraid of us although we tried to chase him away...... he always come to us and purred, trying to ask for food also..

"Mmiaooo....miaooooooooo...." he always like to make noise when he is hungry..he will miaoooo until he gets your attention..

He looks so familiar that I suddenly remembered the little kittens we played with before going to US.... It must be him!!

The black kitten still remembers us after one year we are not around... =)

*touch* *touch*

How about the grey kitten? Where is him...?! Then we heard that the grey kitten is following the neighbourhood security, become his pet a.k.a security cat.

'XiaoHei' likes to eat bones.... believe it...... cats don't necessary just eat fish ok.. that's just said in the books, doesn't mean is true....

Don't believe that cats eat bones?? I have proof! See below?

Usually he just takes like 12mins to finish the whole bone..

He likes to fight with other stray cats, especially when they try to snatch his bone...he will stare and growl at the cat until he goes away...and he will quick quick gooble up his bone to prevent another cat comes trying to steal his bone...

Sometimes he likes to drink water also.... he can drink alot of water, non stop, until he is perfectly satisfied...

He likes to sleep.. always yawning... even after he has his meal.. then he will start yawning....


"XiaoHei" has a lot of patterns one...when he has mood, he will do alot of 'actions', like a professional actor...

"XiaoHei": 'Ahemmm.. what do you want??'

"XiaoHei": 'yuummm...full liao ... rest awhile..'

"XiaoHei": 'roll to this side..itchy nyerrr...'

"XiaoHei": 'roll here now..scratch my back....itchy oso...'

"XiaoHei": 'hehehee... here oso got itchy laaa....clean first aaa..'

Pretend to be dead awhile...hehehee...my acting good or not?

"XiaoHei": 'Aiyahh... dirty liao... clean clean first...'

Every evening when we reach home... he will be running to us out from nowhere, keep miaooo-ing enthusiastically...

"XiaoHei": 'My dinner lerrrrr???!!!! Miaooooooo.....'

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