Friday, May 22, 2009

The most memorable White Winter Christmas..Part 1

A true White Winter Christmas is what we don't get in Malaysia, never... we don't have four seasons, wedon't have winter, we don't have snow...

Watching too much TV growing up... I always dreamt of having a White Christmas....

The opportunity comes when I know I will be in US for the whole year end holiday seasons.. =)

Christmas in Austin is the first ever White Christmas I have, experiencing one of the most traditional winter Christmas under cool 20F chilly temperature...

There is a Christmas Stroll at San Marcos with a little Bethelem...

That's the camel resembles the entry to Bethelem....

My first time feeding the camel some dry hay... she is just so beautiful and peaceful... and she eats the hay I give her =)

Hey... is a baby donkey.. she looks so adorable!

It feels so warm just stroking them and feeding them...and they loves attention!!

The angels when Jesus was born....

The goats and sheeps around when Jesus was born....

My first experience making my own candle for Christmas under the freezing winter night..

There is this school carol, the high school gals sing carol songs to the crowd.."Silent night... Holy night...." They have sweet good voices that touches everyone's heart...and bring peace on this historic day..

The feel of that special night in Bethelem...waiting for Jesus arrival...

Looking back into many decades back thru time, and see Jesus is born in Bethelem.... the night full of angels and shooting stars...

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